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Coolermaster Cosmos 2 Mod Project

The project goals:


- Motorized control panel door and 4.3" touch screen lcd


- Motorized front panel door


- RGB leds for the fans and the fan holes.


- Touch screen ui to turn pc on/off and control various functions and to view various information.


Control Panel Cast Molds

Next I created new cast mold on top of the first and then traced the first one with a pen.

Once that was done I added chemical metal and sanded the sides of the chemical metal mold.

Next I atached the chemical metal mold to hte control panel.

Sanding the mold down. It took about 20h.

Front Panel Mod

Cutting out some plastic from the rail.

Reinforce the panel with chemical metal.

Cutting outthe chassis right behind the rail.

Support piece made from 2mm steel.

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